Why GoLexic?

Our story

Our purpose: to help families with support that is immediately available and affordable, without compromising on the quality of the intervention

Children working on gamification UX using paper prototypes
Siblings with dyslexia

Hi there 👋 and welcome to GoLexic.

My name is Samantha, and that cutie with the mushroom haircut is my brother Alic. I think we were 3 and 5 on that photo. Alic struggled with reading all his life. He was diagnosed dyslexic quite young but that didn’t help find the right support for him. 

I was very aware of what dyslexia is, but it wasn’t always clear to me that I would end up working in this field. Not until I came across two statistics that stunned me: 1 in 5 children struggle severely with reading. And 80% of these children will leave school without receiving support for their reading difficulty.

I remember thinking – we can do better. 

The goal of GoLexic is to give parents a tool they can use at home, without delay, at a price that’s affordable, without compromising on the quality of the intervention.

What was the path to creating GoLexic?

When I was in my early teens, I remember my mother doing research every night, reading every article she could find, speaking to any expert who could help her understand how dyslexia can be helped. Ultimately, that’s how she met the Dr. de Haan, a Dutch professor in linguistics and pioneer in dyslexia studies. He had developed a reading intervention approach by working with children in the Netherlands. My mother and him started working together to develop this approach in new languages. They worked with thousands of children around the world over the last 25 years, continuously perfecting their methodology. 

The concept for the GoLexic App came together after I spent some time supporting my her language Institute, Dyseurope, where she supports children with severe dyslexia with reading intervention. I realised most parents run into the same difficulties and delays when looking for reading intervention. I also witnessed the incredible progress children make working with the tools and approach used in the Institue. I heard from countless parents what an unbelievable difference it  made in their children’s skills and their well-being. 

Making these tools accessible and affordable has been my mission for building GoLexic. They are the basis for the GoLexic App. We still have a lot of work to do, but parents tell me all the time how much the App has helped their child read better and re-gain confidence. And that, for me, the best reward in the world.

Father helping daughter with reading
Our Mission

We exist to help children who face difficulties with reading & spelling - and those who care for them.

Our mission is to provide a powerful, effective and uplifting learning program to children who face learning challenges, in a way that is affordable, convenient and easy to use for all parents.

We make it simpler to help children with dyslexia or learning differences, in a way that does not stigmatise children, and creates as little extra work as possible for children, parents, and teachers.

Using a training method conceived to address the learning needs of children with reading difficulties and dyslexia, we have built a digital program that helps them re-learn to read and write fluently.

Building the GoLexic App

Meet the Team


Advisor - Product Strategy
Venture builder
& Impact investor


Advisor - CTO
& Security expert


Advisor - Partnerships
Impact Founder
& Mum to a dyslexic child


Lead iOS Developer
Fixer of all Problems


Lead Backend Developer
Will always find a way to build it

Our contributors

Meet our co-creators


Chief Testing Officer.
Charles has tested every one of our exercises and helps us understand what works - and what doesn't. He is one of the Masterminds behind our gamification concept.


UX Testing Lead with GoLexic
Isaline has helped improve GoLexic since was only 6. With a sharp eye for detail and frightening understanding of UX for an 8-year old, she helps us validate user experience and gamification.

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