GoLexic Help Center

Subscriptions and payments

Subscriptions are managed by Apple.

You can cancel your subscription directly yourself:

  1. Go to the AppStore on your device
  2. Tap on your Apple ID
  3. Go to Subscriptions
  4. Find GoLexic among your paid subscriptions
  5. Cancel your subscription

Your subscription will remain active until the end of your billing period.

You can find more information on Apple’s support website: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT202039

Currently, all our user subscriptions are managed directly by the AppStore.

To take a subscription, you need to download the GoLexic App on an iPhone or iPad, then follow the steps inside the App.

The GoLexic App offers free trials to all users. These trials are meant to help new users get familiar with the App’s features before committing to a longer term purchase.

They are limited in time and do not give access to the full content and programme.

To access the full programme, the App requires a subscription. Being a children’s App, we cannot generate revenue from advertising. Asking a financial contribution from parents is currently the only way we can continue to support the development of the product.

We offer a freemium version of the App, which lets new users try the App’s features without the need to subscribe or create an account.

The freemium version gives new users access to the first few training sessions. These generally cover the first 3 to 5 days of the programme.

To unlock the full programme, the app requires a subscription.

No, we do not ask, collect or record any of your payment information (such as credit card, Paypal, etc).

We rely on the AppStore to manage subscriptions so that you can use the payment information you have already associated with your Apple ID.

This means that GoLexic does not have access to any of your payment details. The AppStore handles your payments, and then transfers them to GoLexic.

That is also why if you want to cancel, you will need to cancel your subscription through the AppStore.

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£14.99 for 3 months

- instead of £29.97 -

GoLexic reading app of the day

The regular price is £9.99/month. Discount codes can be redeemed in the iOS AppStore until 30.11.2024. They can not be cumulated with other discounts or introduction offers. Requires an iPhone or iPad.


🎄 New Year special 🎄

3 months for only £14.99

- instead of £29.97 -

The regular price is £9.99/month. Discount codes can be redeemed in the iOS AppStore until 15.01.2025. They can not be cumulated with other discounts or introduction offers. Requires an iPhone or iPad.


£14.99 for 3 months

instead of £29.97:

Before getting your discount code, please let us know what you look forward to the most:

🆎 Recognising letters
😶‍🌫️ Reducing hesitation
✍️ Improving spelling