Tag: emotional well-being

Supporting Struggling Readers:
Dyslexia & Beyond

Welcome to our blog, a dedicated space where we delve into the world of dyslexia and reading acquisition. Our mission is to provide a guiding light for parents navigating the path to support their children, offering insights, support and resources to empower them on this transformative journey.

Struggling readers are not just statistics; they are unique individuals with diverse stories. Here, we explore the unique needs of these children. We believe it is essential to address the mental health aspects for dyslexic children, understanding that their challenges are not just academic, but emotional as well.

We want to create a space where parents and educators can come together to share experiences, strategies, and support for children with reading difficulties. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future, where every child’s path to reading is met with understanding, compassion, and the tools they need to succeed.

Children doing a science experiment and looking into a microscope
emotional well-being

Dyslexia strengths and career paths

Dyslexia is not only about struggles with reading. It can also often involve specific strengths or ‘superpowers’. And for inspiration, here are some jobs and careers in which dyslexics do particularly well.

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The regular price is £9.99/month. Discount codes can be redeemed in the iOS AppStore until 25.11.2024. They can not be cumulated with other discounts or introduction offers. Requires an iPhone or iPad.


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🆎 Recognising letters
😶‍🌫️ Reducing hesitation
✍️ Improving spelling