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Ist Gamifizierung beim Lesenlernen wirksam?

Gamification wendet Spielmechanismen auf Umgebungen an, die keine Spiele sind, wie z.B. Bildung, um Lernende zu motivieren.

10 Mai 2024

Wie legt gesprochene Sprache das Fundament für das Lesenlernen?

The process of learning to read doesn’t begin with the alphabet itself, but is deeply rooted in the spoken language…

9 April 2024

GoLexic besser zugänglich machen

In 2023, GoLexic received funding from the European Union, under the Women TechEU initiative. Let's look back at what this…

28 März 2024

Lesen mit Lauten: Was sind dekodierbare Texte?

In the GoLexic reading programme, children strengthen their reading skills using decodable texts. How are these texts different from the…

14 Februar 2024

6 Gründe, warum Lesenlernen die Entwicklung von Kindern fördert

As parents, all we want is to equip our children with all the tools to grow up happy, and fulfilled.…

12 November 2023

Sprechen und Lesen: Wie sprachliche Fähigkeiten die Voraussetzungen für den Erfolg beim Lesen schaffen

And even though learning to talk doesn’t require any literacy skills, learning to read and write requires language skills. In…

30 Oktober 2023

5 Komponenten eines effektiven Leseunterrichts

A few decades ago, cognitive scientists compiled the research and identified five components of effective literacy instruction. This research is…

29 September 2023

22 Books for dyslexic children

Finding the right books for someone with dyslexia or reading difficulties can be a bit overwhelming. Luckily, we asked some…

7 September 2023

Navigating the Intersection of ADHD and Dyslexia: Overlapping Symptoms and Unique Needs

ADHD and dyslexia are two distinct neurobehavioral conditions that can occur independently or together, often with overlapping symptoms.

8 August 2023

Is dyslexia a disability?

Classifying dyslexia as a disability has helped establish a legal basis to provide support and prevent discrimination again dyslexics. It…

8 August 2023